• When printing with an ImageWriter™, StyleWriter™, HP DeskWriter™, DeskJet™, Personal LaserWriter™, or other non-PostScript printer, output quality is greatly improved using the following method:
Go to Chooser (under the Apple menu) and select the printer you will use.
Go to the Page Setup command (under the File menu) and select a 50% print size.
Zoom in to view your Nightingale score at 200% on the screen (go to the View menu and choose the "Enlarge" command).
Go to the Print command (under the File menu) and print the score while you are still viewing at 200%.
This will give much finer-looking symbols and lines throughout the score.
• For the very highest PostScript quality printing from StyleWriters and DeskWriters (and numerous other printers), call Temporal Acuity Products (206-462-1007) to purchase a utility named "T-Script", which is a PostScript emulator that will convert Nightingale's PostScript output into the resident language of your printer. The 360 dpi output is in most cases as good or better than that of laser printers! The price of this utility is $65.
• On some printers, you may experience loss of the right-hand barlines at the end of each system when you print. This is caused by the printer incorrectly calculating the margins on your score, so that the right edge of the score is beyond the print margin.
The right-hand margin loss can be corrected by going into MasterPage (under the Score menu) and adjusting the margins (use the Margins command under MasterPage) .25 inches to the left. This means that the right and margin should be made .25 inches greater, and the left margin .25 inches smaller. By adjusting both margins simultaneously, you effectively slide the entire score image to the left, which will not require any score reformatting or affect score layout.
Since this is a known problem of the HP DeskWriter, a special "DeskWriter Template" has been created with the margins pre-set to print correctly on the DeskWriter. This template can be found in the Nightingale Folder, inside the Templates Folder.